Christine Fenton, RPN, IIWCC
Wound Care Specialist / Consultant
Welcome to the wound care clinic website!
We are here to bridge the gap in wound care treatment access. The wound care clinic offers advanced wound care. Advanced wound care is the intervention used when traditional wound care therapies have failed. It is my role to recognize the difference between the normal stages of wound healing and infection and to make the appropriate treatment changes based on my assessment and your wishes.
Why choose our wound care clinic in the private sector over the services available in the public sector? Our private outpatient clinic is significantly more responsive, more efficient, patient-centered, and accountable. We believe choosing your healthcare team should be your choice and at your convenience.
We are specialized; our focus is on wound care and wound care prevention. It's what we do, and we do it very well. Please read our testimonials.
Clinic Overview
The Wound Care Clinic provides wound care in the comfort of your home. We understand traveling and needing care are not always synonymous, so we have upgraded our services to accommodate your health and well-being. We are mobile!
We offer frequent monitoring of wound care progression, proper indentification and timely treatment of infection, and routine communciation with the patient's authorizer to promote desirable wound care outcomes.
Our services are offered to those suffering from an acute or chronic wound. Wounds are nonselective and target all demographics.
The wound care clinic offers the best standards of care in wound care and prevention, wound care education, and innovative patient care, with full access to an advanced wound care formulary for products and services on site. The advanced wound care formulary is a comprehensive list of treatments and dressings that provide optimal healing environments and that are clinically effective, evidence-supported, appropriate, and cost effective. What does this mean? It means we have everything your wound may require on site. It means you do not have to outsource your wound care products. They are included in the fee.
The benefits of proper wound care include increasing your comfort, managing pain, and promoting an optimal wound healing environment, and preventing any infections or complications.

Contact Christine Fenton
Wound Care Consultant
Please contact me with any questions you may have regarding wound care or wound care treatment services. Thank you and have a lovely day!
Owen Sound, Ontario
Tel: 519-372-5842
Fax: 1-866-264-4135